Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How I Recover My Happy Life from HPV

I had always been living an unhealthy carefree lifestyle where I went from parties to parties. I was always looking for ways to get drunk on the weekends. I figured it was college so I slept around a lot with no holding back.  Little did I know that outrageous lifestyle of mine would one day alter how I live for the rest of my life.

It was a Saturday that I decided to shave my genital area. I couldn’t help but notice the irritation as I was shaving then finally realized it was from a small wart. At first, I dismissed and ignored it as a normal wart that could happen to anyone. Unfortunately, the irritation and the pain didn’t stop and continued to grow into a much more uncomfortable level. When I noticed two more warts popped up in that area, I started to panic. I immediately scheduled a doctor appointment to find out what it was. Deep in my mind, I already knew the cause.

The doctor said I was infected with HPV after carefully examining me. At that point, I couldn’t even hear what he was saying afterwards. I felt like my life was over and all those careless parties had finally caught up to me. I couldn’t even pin point exactly when I got infected. I was still in college at the time and I thought there was no way out.

I was drowning in the fear of one day I had to tell my parents or if they found out by themselves. A love that I could build a stable life with seemed impossible, and my friends would all leave me. Desperation and depression were consuming my life. As my grades started to suffer, I knew I could not go on living like this.

I started to go to my school’s counselor and told her everything. I remember I was crying at some point during that counseling. However, it was helping a lot to have someone who would listen and give me advices. The counselor said she would help me practice telling my parents. Thanks to that, I felt a lot more confident, and also because I found from researching on my own that HPV is not that uncommon and that I was not alone in this struggle. My doctor also gave me a lot of advices regarding safe procedures that I can do to still be able to have a healthy relationship in the future. A realization that a normal life would still be possible with HPV made me tremendously happy.

One weekend I decided to go visit my parents. After having lunch with them, we were just hanging out in the living room and I decided to tell them there. I carefully and calmly expressed my conditions just like how I had practiced with the counselor. A frightening look appeared on my dad’s face at first, but seeing my mom held my hand after the speech seemed to calm him down. After a long silence, he said he wanted to go with me to my doctor appointments to be able to know more about the details. I was surprised that my parents would fully accept me like that and I would never take that for granted.

After that day, I felt like the weight on my shoulders have been lifted off and that I could fully accept myself. I even went on and told all my friends. Some decided to support me, and some stopped talking to me but, to be honest, I could not careless if they did not want me in their life. In a way, this has helped me realize about the true relationships I could build in life.

Now I am working a full time job with good money and I am one hundred percent happy with who I am. I know one day I would be able to find a lover who would completely accept me just like my parents, that counselor, as well as my best friends.

Quick Easy Ways to Treat Genital Warts at Home

1/Using ointments, topical creams, or warts treatment products

HPV is not that uncommon therefore there are many products out there that you can easily grab and try out (my personal choice is VidaroX even though it is kind of expensive)

Products that have salicylic acid also does help though sometimes it might be painful with that burning sensation with you apply it on the warts. Compound W and Occlusal are well known salicylic acid warts treatments. Consider covering the area with bandages or cloth to prevent it burning off on your sheets if you leave it overnight

Castor oil is also a good quick alternative which already has been reported to have positive results. One downside of castor oil is the smell that not many people can stand, but you can mix it with some other better smelling oils. Applying a fully-castor-oil-soaked cotton ball on to the wart and cover it with a bandage. Renew it three times a day.

One of the most popular natural treatment for HPV is tea tree oil. The reports on its effects have been very promising in many researches. Applying it just like with castor oil.

2/Use your kitchen

Yes. You read it right. Your kitchen might already have the solutions to your genital warts problem.
Try using apple cider vinegar. Use a cotton ball and apply a bit of the vinegar to it then put the cotton ball on your wart with a bandage (just like with castor oil and tea tree oil).  Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning if you can. That would be ideal and your warts should noticeably reduce after a few hours. However, this method is painful because of the burn from the vinegar. If you can’t handle it, applying in 15 minutes periods is advised.

Vitamin E oil (or fish oil) and garlic combination is also another good alternative. Rubbing the oil gently and then cover the outbreak are with crushed garlic. Place gauze over everything and reapply every (up to) 48 hours.

If smell is not really your problem at all, then consider using another well-known natural treatment of onion juice. Slice a few onion pieces, apply them to your warts then cover with bandages and watch the juices do their trick.

Last but not least, for a quick relief of pain, irritation and itchiness, an oatmeal bath is ideal. Even though it would not make the warts go away but it will make them feel much better and make your skin look better too.